The importance of effective communication and collaboration between MSPs and their clients


The importance of effective communication and collaboration between MSPs and their clients

The importance of effective communication and collaboration between MSPs and their clients

Managed Service Providers (MSPs) play a critical role in supporting their clients’ IT infrastructure and operations. To provide effective support, it’s essential for MSPs to maintain strong communication and collaboration with their clients. Here are some reasons why effective communication and collaboration between MSPs and their clients are important:

Understanding Clients’ Needs

To provide the right level of support and services, MSPs need to understand their clients’ needs. Effective communication and collaboration help MSPs gain insights into their clients’ business objectives, challenges, and pain points. By understanding their clients’ needs, MSPs can tailor their services to meet specific requirements and provide value-added solutions.

Proactive Issue Resolution

Effective communication and collaboration between MSPs and their clients help identify issues before they become critical. MSPs can provide proactive solutions to their clients and prevent downtime or service disruptions. This approach not only helps reduce costs but also improves client satisfaction and loyalty.

Better Service Delivery

Effective communication and collaboration between MSPs and their clients help ensure that service delivery is consistent and meets clients’ expectations. By working together, MSPs and their clients can identify gaps in service delivery and develop strategies to improve processes and workflows.

Faster Response Time

In today’s fast-paced business environment, response time is critical. Effective communication and collaboration between MSPs and their clients help ensure that response times are minimized. By having open lines of communication and established workflows, MSPs can respond quickly to client requests and minimize downtime.

Improved Transparency

Effective communication and collaboration between MSPs and their clients help promote transparency. Clients want to know what services they are paying for, how they are being delivered, and what the expected outcomes are. By providing transparency in service delivery, MSPs can build trust and credibility with their clients.

In conclusion, effective communication and collaboration between MSPs and their clients are critical to the success of IT support services. MSPs need to work closely with their clients to understand their needs, provide proactive solutions, improve service delivery, reduce response times, and promote transparency. By doing so, MSPs can build strong relationships with their clients, improve customer satisfaction, and differentiate themselves in a competitive market.

How IT MSPs can help companies with digital transformation initiatives

How IT MSPs can help companies with digital transformation initiatives

In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, companies need to adapt to stay relevant and competitive. Digital transformation is the process of using technology to fundamentally change how businesses operate, deliver value to customers, and compete in the market. Managed Service Providers (MSPs) can play a crucial role in helping companies achieve their digital transformation initiatives. Here are some ways in which MSPs can help companies with digital transformation:

Infrastructure Modernization

MSPs can help companies modernize their IT infrastructure by migrating legacy systems to cloud-based solutions. This not only increases agility but also provides greater scalability and flexibility. By leveraging MSPs’ expertise in cloud computing, companies can accelerate their digital transformation journey and adopt new technologies more quickly.


As companies rely more on technology to operate, cybersecurity becomes a critical aspect of digital transformation. MSPs can help companies strengthen their cybersecurity posture by providing comprehensive security solutions such as network security, endpoint security, and data protection. This helps companies safeguard their digital assets and minimize the risk of cyber attacks.

Data Management

Data is a critical component of digital transformation. MSPs can help companies effectively manage their data by providing data analytics solutions, data warehousing, and data governance. With these solutions, companies can leverage data to gain insights into their business, identify opportunities for growth, and make informed decisions.

Application Development

As part of their digital transformation initiatives, companies may need to develop custom applications to meet their unique needs. MSPs can help companies develop, deploy, and manage applications, whether they are hosted on-premises or in the cloud. MSPs’ expertise in application development can accelerate the delivery of custom applications and ensure they are aligned with the company’s digital transformation goals.

IT Support

As companies implement new technologies as part of their digital transformation initiatives, they may face technical challenges. MSPs can provide IT support services to help companies overcome these challenges and minimize downtime. This ensures that companies can maintain their operations and continue to deliver value to their customers.

In conclusion, MSPs can play a significant role in helping companies with their digital transformation initiatives. They can provide expertise in infrastructure modernization, cybersecurity, data management, application development, and IT support. By partnering with MSPs, companies can accelerate their digital transformation journey, adopt new technologies more quickly, and stay ahead of the competition.

What is the best way to achieve Customer Success in the IT Service Provider Industry

What is the best way to achieve Customer Success in the IT Service Provider Industry 

Achieving customer success in the IT service provider industry requires a slightly different approach compared to other industries. Here are a few best practices that can help IT service providers achieve customer success: 

  1. Understand your customers’ IT environment: IT service providers should take the time to understand their customers’ IT environment, including their current infrastructure, systems, and processes. This allows IT service providers to identify potential areas for improvement and recommend solutions that align with the customers’ needs and goals. 
  2. Communicate clearly and regularly: Clear and regular communication is essential for ensuring that customers understand the services being provided and the progress of any projects. IT service providers should set clear expectations, timelines, and communication channels to ensure that customers are kept informed throughout the engagement. 
  3. Proactively monitor and manage IT systems: IT service providers should proactively monitor and manage their customers’ IT systems to ensure that they are running smoothly and to identify potential issues before they become problems. This can help to prevent downtime and reduce the need for reactive support. 
  4. Offer training and education: IT service providers should offer training and education to their customers to help them understand and make the most of the services and systems being provided. This can help to ensure that customers are able to fully utilize the services and to identify new opportunities for improvement. 
  5. Continuously improve: IT service providers should continuously monitor and improve their services to meet customers’ evolving needs. This may involve updating service offerings, changing service delivery models, or adopting new technologies. 
  6. Measure and track customer satisfaction: Regularly measure customer satisfaction and track key performance indicators, such as uptime, incident resolution times, and customer retention rates. Use that data to identify areas where you can improve and track your progress over time. 
  7. Foster a long-term relationship: The IT service provider industry is known for having long-term relationships with clients, thus creating a sense of trust and mutual understanding is crucial. This can be achieved by providing consistent, high-quality service, regular check-ins and ensuring that the client’s needs are met.

The benefits of outsourcing IT services to an MSP vs. hiring an internal IT team

The benefits of outsourcing IT services to an MSP vs. hiring an internal IT team

Outsourcing IT services to a Managed Service Provider (MSP) has become increasingly popular for businesses of all sizes. However, some organizations still prefer to hire an internal IT team to manage their technology infrastructure. In this blog post, we’ll explore the benefits of outsourcing IT services to an MSP versus hiring an internal IT team.

Cost Savings

Outsourcing IT services to an MSP can result in significant cost savings for businesses. An internal IT team requires hiring, training, and benefits, which can be costly. In contrast, an MSP offers predictable, fixed costs that are often more affordable than hiring a full-time IT team. Additionally, MSPs can offer customized solutions that can scale up or down as the business grows, providing flexibility that may not be possible with an internal IT team.

Access to Expertise

MSPs employ IT professionals who have expertise in a wide range of technologies and industry-specific solutions. This expertise can be difficult to find and maintain within an internal IT team. An MSP can provide businesses with access to a pool of experts who are up-to-date with the latest technology trends and can offer solutions that are tailored to the business’s unique needs.

Proactive Approach to IT Management

MSPs take a proactive approach to IT management, constantly monitoring and maintaining systems to prevent potential problems from arising. In contrast, an internal IT team may be reactive, only responding to issues as they arise. This proactive approach can result in less downtime and more reliable technology infrastructure for businesses.

Reduced Risk

Outsourcing IT services to an MSP can reduce the risk of security breaches and data loss. MSPs have advanced security protocols and tools that are designed to protect businesses from cyber threats. They can also provide disaster recovery solutions that can minimize the impact of any unforeseen events.

Focus on Core Business Activities

Outsourcing IT services to an MSP allows businesses to focus on their core activities without worrying about IT infrastructure management. MSPs handle all aspects of IT management, including monitoring, maintenance, and upgrades. This allows businesses to devote their time and resources to their core activities, rather than IT management.


An MSP can provide customized IT solutions that can scale up or down based on the business’s needs. This is particularly beneficial for small and medium-sized businesses that may not have the resources to maintain an internal IT team. MSPs can provide customized solutions that can grow with the business, ensuring that the technology infrastructure is always aligned with the business’s needs.

In conclusion, outsourcing IT services to an MSP offers many benefits over hiring an internal IT team. MSPs can provide cost savings, access to expertise, a proactive approach to IT management, reduced risk, a focus on core business activities, and scalability. As businesses increasingly rely on technology to operate, outsourcing IT services to an MSP is becoming an essential component of any organization’s strategy.

The rise of managed security services and how they’re changing the MSP landscape

The rise of managed security services and how they’re changing the MSP landscape

With cyber threats becoming increasingly sophisticated and frequent, organizations of all sizes are looking for ways to improve their security posture. Managed Service Providers (MSPs) have long played a critical role in managing IT infrastructure and applications for businesses, but now, the focus is shifting towards security. The rise of managed security services is changing the MSP landscape, providing organizations with a more proactive approach to security and reducing the risk of cyber attacks. In this blog post, we’ll explore the rise of managed security services and how they’re changing the MSP landscape.

Increased demand for managed security services

As cyber threats continue to evolve, businesses are looking for ways to improve their security posture. However, many organizations lack the in-house expertise and resources to effectively manage their security. This is where MSPs come in. By offering managed security services, MSPs can provide businesses with the expertise and resources they need to improve their security posture and reduce the risk of cyber attacks. According to a report by MarketsandMarkets, the global market for managed security services is expected to reach $47.6 billion by 2023, up from $24.1 billion in 2018.

More proactive approach to security

Traditionally, MSPs have focused on managing IT infrastructure and applications, with security as an afterthought. However, the rise of managed security services has led to a more proactive approach to security. Managed security services providers (MSSPs) focus on identifying and mitigating security threats before they can cause harm. They offer a range of security services, including threat detection and response, vulnerability management, and compliance management. By taking a proactive approach to security, MSSPs can help organizations reduce the risk of cyber attacks and minimize the impact of any security incidents.

Specialized security expertise

Managed security services providers often have specialized security expertise that is not available in-house. They employ security experts who have experience dealing with a wide range of security threats and are up-to-date with the latest security trends and best practices. By working with an MSSP, organizations can access this expertise and benefit from customized security solutions that meet their specific needs.

Flexible and scalable security solutions

Managed security services are flexible and scalable, which makes them ideal for businesses of all sizes. MSSPs offer a range of security services that can be tailored to meet the specific needs of each client. They can also scale their services up or down based on the client’s needs, providing a cost-effective way to manage security. Additionally, by outsourcing security to an MSSP, organizations can free up resources and focus on their core business activities.

Compliance and regulatory requirements

Many industries have specific compliance and regulatory requirements related to data security. Managed security services providers are well-versed in these requirements and can help organizations stay compliant. They can also provide regular security assessments and audits to ensure that organizations are meeting their security obligations.

In conclusion, the rise of managed security services is changing the MSP landscape, with more MSPs adding security services to their offerings. By offering managed security services, MSPs can provide organizations with a more proactive approach to security, access to specialized security expertise, flexible and scalable security solutions, and compliance and regulatory assistance. With cyber threats becoming increasingly sophisticated and frequent, managed security services are becoming a critical component of any organization’s security strategy.

The advantages of working with a specialized MSP that focuses on a specific industry or technology

The advantages of working with a specialized MSP that focuses on a specific industry or technology

In today’s fast-paced business environment, having a reliable and secure IT infrastructure is crucial for success. For many organizations, outsourcing IT services to a Managed Service Provider (MSP) can help improve efficiency, reduce costs, and provide access to the latest technology and expertise. However, not all MSPs are created equal. While some provide general IT services, others specialize in specific industries or technologies. In this blog post, we’ll explore the advantages of working with a specialized MSP that focuses on a specific industry or technology.

In-depth knowledge and expertise

One of the most significant advantages of working with a specialized MSP is their in-depth knowledge and expertise in a particular industry or technology. By working exclusively with clients in a specific field or area of technology, these MSPs gain a deep understanding of their clients’ unique needs, challenges, and goals. They stay up-to-date with the latest trends and developments in their industry or technology and can provide tailored solutions that meet the specific needs of their clients.

Faster issue resolution

Specialized MSPs often have experience dealing with common issues and challenges that arise in their industry or technology. This means they can quickly identify and resolve problems, reducing downtime and minimizing the impact on the client’s business. They also have access to specialized tools and resources that can streamline IT management and help prevent issues from occurring in the first place.

Improved security and compliance

In many industries, data security and regulatory compliance are critical concerns. Working with an MSP that specializes in your industry can help ensure that your organization stays compliant with relevant regulations and best practices. These MSPs understand the unique security and compliance requirements of your industry and can provide customized solutions that meet those needs. They can also help you identify potential security risks and implement measures to mitigate them.

Cost-effective solutions

Specialized MSPs often have pre-built solutions and packages that are tailored to the needs of their clients in a specific industry or technology. This means they can provide cost-effective solutions that are designed to meet the specific needs of their clients. They also have experience working with similar organizations and can leverage that knowledge to help clients make informed decisions about IT investments.

Focus on core business

By outsourcing IT services to a specialized MSP, organizations can focus on their core business activities and leave IT management to the experts. This allows organizations to free up resources and allocate them to more strategic initiatives that can help drive growth and innovation.

In conclusion, working with a specialized MSP that focuses on a specific industry or technology can provide a range of benefits, including in-depth knowledge and expertise, faster issue resolution, improved security and compliance, cost-effective solutions, and a focus on core business activities. When selecting an MSP, it’s essential to look for a partner that understands your specific needs and can provide customized solutions that meet those needs. With the right MSP by your side, you can gain a competitive edge and achieve your business goals more efficiently and effectively.

The future of MSPs and how they may continue to evolve to meet changing business needs

The future of MSPs and how they may continue to evolve to meet changing business needs

One key trend in the future of MSPs is a focus on proactive and preventative maintenance. MSPs will use advanced monitoring tools and automation to identify and resolve issues before they become major problems. This approach not only improves uptime and reduces downtime, but also helps to prevent cybersecurity incidents by identifying and mitigating vulnerabilities in real-time.

Speaking of cybersecurity, MSPs will also play an increasingly important role in protecting businesses from cyber threats. With new attack methods emerging all the time, MSPs will continue to invest in security tools and technologies to keep their clients’ data safe. This includes implementing multi-factor authentication, endpoint protection, and regular security audits to ensure that your business stays ahead of the curve.

Another area of growth for MSPs is the use of advanced technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IoT). AI can be used to automate routine tasks, freeing up your IT team to focus on more strategic initiatives. IoT can be used to monitor and manage your network and devices in real-time, providing greater visibility into your IT environment and helping to identify potential issues before they arise.

Finally, as businesses increasingly move to the cloud, MSPs will play a critical role in managing cloud infrastructure. This includes not only cloud migration and optimization but also ongoing management to ensure that your cloud environment remains secure and up-to-date.

In conclusion, the future of MSPs is bright and full of promise. With their focus on proactive maintenance, cybersecurity, and advanced technologies, MSPs can help businesses of all sizes stay ahead of the curve and achieve their goals.

What are some problems that Microsoft Azure could solve and how it would help a fast-growing company?

What are some problems that Microsoft Azure could solve and how it would help a fast-growing company? 

Microsoft Azure is a cloud computing platform that provides a wide range of services and features that can help fast-growing companies solve a variety of problems. Here are a few examples: 


As a fast-growing company, you may need to scale your IT resources quickly and easily to meet the demands of your business. Azure offers scalable compute, storage, and networking services that allow you to easily scale up or down as needed, without the need to purchase and maintain additional hardware. 


Azure allows you to run a variety of different workloads, including virtual machines, containers, and serverless functions, which can help you to be more flexible and adapt to changing business needs. 


Azure allows you to pay only for the resources you use, which can help to reduce IT costs. Azure also offers a variety of pricing models, such as pay-as-you-go and reserved instances, which can help to further optimize costs. 


Azure offers a variety of security features and services, such as Azure Security Center, Azure Active Directory, and Azure Key Vault, which can help to secure your data and applications. This can give you peace of mind knowing that your data and applications are protected and comply with various regulatory requirements. 

Global reach

Azure offers a global network of data centers, which can help fast-growing companies to reach customers and partners worldwide and provide low-latency access to data and applications. 

Hybrid capabilities

Azure allows you to seamlessly connect your on-premises IT resources with cloud resources, which can help a fast-growing company to take advantage of the benefits of the cloud without having to rearchitect all their existing systems. 

Development and deployment

Azure offers a wide range of services to support the development and deployment of applications, such as Azure DevOps, Azure Container Instances, and Azure Functions. These services make it easier to develop, test, and deploy applications quickly and efficiently, allowing the company to keep up with the fast pace of growth. 

Overall, Microsoft Azure can be a valuable tool for fast-growing companies as it can help with scalability, cost-efficiency, security, global reach, hybrid capabilities, development, and deployment. It allows companies to be more agile and adapt to 

Perimeter81, Zero Trust Network Access(ZTNA) & its Benefits

Perimeter81, Zero Trust Network Access(ZTNA) & its Benefits

Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA) is a security framework that ensures secure access to resources in a corporate network. Perimeter 81 is a cloud-based platform that provides ZTNA solutions for businesses. Perimeter 81 is designed to help organizations improve their network security posture by providing a scalable and flexible platform for securing their network perimeter. In this blog post, we will discuss the benefits of using Perimeter 81 for ZTNA.

Secure Access to Cloud and On-Premises Applications

Perimeter 81 provides secure access to cloud and on-premises applications. It ensures that only authorized users can access these applications. With Perimeter 81, organizations can establish a secure connection between their users and the applications they need to access.

Improved Network Visibility

Perimeter 81 provides organizations with improved network visibility. It allows IT teams to monitor and control user access to applications and resources on the network. This level of visibility enables organizations to detect and respond to potential security threats in real-time.

Simplified Network Management

Perimeter 81 simplifies network management by providing a single platform for managing network security. It allows IT teams to manage access policies, monitor network activity, and configure network security settings from a single dashboard.

Scalable and Flexible Architecture

Perimeter 81 provides a scalable and flexible architecture for securing the network perimeter. It can accommodate the changing needs of an organization’s network and scale to meet the demands of growing user and application traffic.

Easy Deployment and Integration

Perimeter 81 is easy to deploy and integrate into an organization’s existing network infrastructure. It supports a wide range of VPN protocols, and it can integrate with popular identity and access management (IAM) solutions such as Okta and Microsoft Active Directory.

Multi-Factor Authentication

Perimeter 81 provides multi-factor authentication (MFA) for securing user access to applications and resources. It ensures that only authorized users can access the network and prevents unauthorized access attempts.

Comprehensive Security Controls

Perimeter 81 provides comprehensive security controls for securing the network perimeter. It includes features such as firewalls, intrusion detection and prevention systems, and malware protection.

Reduced Complexity and Costs

Perimeter 81 reduces network complexity and costs by providing a cloud-based platform for securing the network perimeter. It eliminates the need for organizations to invest in on-premises hardware and software solutions and reduces the need for IT teams to manage complex network security configurations.


Perimeter 81 is a cloud-based ZTNA platform that provides comprehensive security controls for securing the network perimeter. It improves network visibility, simplifies network management, and provides secure access to cloud and on-premises applications. Perimeter 81 is easy to deploy and integrate, and it provides multi-factor authentication for securing user access to the network. With Perimeter 81, organizations can reduce network complexity and costs and improve their overall network security posture.

Perimeter81 and Zero Trust Network Access(ZTNA)

Perimeter81 and Zero Trust Network Access(ZTNA)

Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA) is a security model that ensures secure access to corporate resources by granting access based on identity and context rather than physical location. This means that each user has access only to the resources they need, and this access is determined by identity and context. Perimeter81 is a ZTNA solution that integrates several technologies, including identity provider-based authentication and single sign-on, policy-based network segmentation, encrypted tunneling, and real-time activity monitoring, to help organizations manage network access for on-premises or remote employees while reducing the maintenance and hardware costs of physical alternatives.

Policy rules

Policy rules are at the core of ZTNA, and Perimeter81 allows organizations to quickly segment their users into groups and create policies that define which of their connected resources (on-prem servers or apps, public cloud apps, etc.) are accessible to specific groups. Perimeter81’s Firewall as a Service feature, Network Traffic Control, also allows IT to control how traffic flows within the network between objects including users, groups, services, and addresses. Additionally, Device Posture Check grants the power to block access for endpoints that don’t meet posture parameters like certificates, anti-virus software, disk encryption and more. Perimeter81 ZTNA also supports agentless, browser-based connections for application-specific access, allowing organizations to give third-party contractors access to specific applications without exposing the entire corporate network, while controlling and monitoring access with rules based on identity, time, location, and other relevant details.

Monitor and Logging

Zero Trust does not assume that users have good intentions or security hygiene. Therefore, Perimeter81 offers network activity monitoring and logging by default in all their plans. Administrators have access to logs of network activity such as logins, gateway deployments, app access, connected device inventory and more, and can choose to integrate a variety of SIEM services including Amazon S3, Splunk, and Azure Sentinel for more in-depth reporting and analysis.

Identify providers(IdP)

Identity Providers (IdP) act as the foundation for security authentication that can be applied to users and groups. Perimeter81 integrates with Identity Providers, including Google, Azure Directory, and multiple SAML 2.0 solutions like OKTA and OneLogin. This allows organizations to offer seamless network access to employees via Single Sign-On, and grant them specific privileges or limited access that suit their individual role, device, or location.

Backbone of global PoPs for fast remote access

Perimeter81’s backbone of global Points of Presence offers organizations the ability to quickly create a gateway that gives remote employees a lower latency, faster, and encrypted connection to their corporate network. They encrypt with bank-level AES-256 encryption in multiple protocols, including OpenVPN, WireGuard, and IPSec, encouraging organizations to keep connections private in the way that works best for their network infrastructure.

ZTNA versus a Legacy VPN

In comparison to a Legacy VPN, ZTNA offers better scalability, cost-effectiveness, and a higher level of security that serious businesses require. Open-source or self-deployed VPNs like OpenVPN are inexpensive, but insecure (without variable privileges or effective access limitations) and hard to orchestrate for larger firms. VPN services from major firewall providers are overpriced and don’t offer the support that growing businesses require to get set up quickly and easily, or to scale up as their organization expands.

Perimeter81’s ZTNA offers IT teams better encryption over faster connections and enables them to implement security that helps visualize and control the entire network from a single platform. Security professionals are able to create rules that enforce device posture, limit resource access by user and group, orchestrate traffic between network addresses and objects, and monitor activity to ensure everything is working as intended.